
Privacy by design: Key take-aways for GDPR compliance

July 6, 2021

The Privacy Engineering Group - Netherlands held an online session on July 6 called "Privacy by design: key take-aways for GDPR compliance". Vonne laan was invited as a speaker.

Privacy by design, or for the purposes of this presentation more precisely “Data Protection by Design & by Default”, is one of the main requirements from the GDPR. When new processes or systems are being developed, the principle of privacy by design needs to be taken into account. But how? How can this be achieved in practice? How does this e.g. relate to Data Protection Impact Assessments? Although the European Supervisory Authorities issued guidance on this last year, there is still much unclear in this respect.

Please click this link for the presentation by Vonne Laan during this session. A recording of the event can be accessed via this link.